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  • Image Caption Generator - It is model trained using 'Flickr_8k' Dataset which predicts caption for the provided image by user using CNN & LSTM deep learning models.

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  • Book Centre-An Online platform for retailers and customers to sell and buy new and old books respectively built using Client Side: Reactjs, Bootstrap, CSS, HTML & Server Side: Nodejs, MongoDB.

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  • Tag Finder-It is Web App built using python libraries like Tensorflow, Keras, Flask, Numpy, Matplotlib which Predicts Fashion tag for Provided Image Using Image Recognition Clothing Prediction Concept Built using Convolution Neural Network (CNN) model & Fashion MNIST greyscale Image Dataset with Accuracy more than 90%.

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  • PREDICTING SENTIMENT FROM CLOTHING REVIEWS -A Model Built Using Kaggle Dataset & Machine Learning Algorithms such as Logistics Regression,Naive Bayes and Support Vector Machine(SVM).

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  • Budget Tracker-It is a Web Application built using ReactJs, Material UI and Speechly which track and manage yourincome and expenses with voice assistance.

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  • HEART DISEASE PREDICTION - A Model Built Using Kaggle Dataset & Machine Learning Classification Algorithms such as Logistics Regression,K-NN, Naive Bayes, SVM, Decision Tree & Random forest which Predicts chances of heart disease in a person.

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  • find for me - Movie Recommendation Engine using various ML-Algorithms

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  • suicides in india - It is data analysis and data visualization project to explore the data of suicides in India.